College and Education Planning

Our Process

We’ll help you get there!

Our college planning is also part of our comprehensive financial planning service. If you have children who plan on continuing their education after high-school then you will benefit from investing in an education account such as a 529 savings plan or a Coverdell education savings account (CESA). We’ll look at these options as well as make recommendations concerning financial aid, the Pell Grant, state grants, scholarships, and other considerations.

Your child’s education is vitally important to you which is why taking a proactive approach to planning is always the best choice. A comprehensive financial plan includes education planning for your children. We’ll help you get there!

Frequently Asked Questions

Tell me more about your career guidance for high school juniors and seniors?

Choosing a college is a very important, often daunting task. Important things to consider when picking a school include cost, degree programs, available financial aid, and how it feels. We’d love to sit down with you and your student to talk through career ideas and school options to help make the best decision.


My children are already in high school. Is it too late to start investing for their college education?

It’s never too late to start saving for your child’s education. Even putting money aside in an educational fund for just one year will make a difference. The earlier you start saving the biggest impact it will have for you.


How do I get started with your education planning services?

We offer college and education planning as part of a comprehensive financial plan or as a stand-alone service. Simply contact us to find out more or to Schedule a Free Consultation!